IMDG (IMO) Shipping by Vessel Online Hazmat Training

Initial and Recurrent IMDG Certification Training

Designed to provide both Initial and Recurrent IMDG certification training based on the most current dangerous goods regulations of the International Maritime Organization (IMDG Code) regarding the proper classification, identification, packing, marking, labeling, documentation, and placarding of dangerous goods to be shipped by vessel. Fulfills U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, (49 CFR) Subpart H, Section 172.704 (49 CFR 172.704) and international IMDG certification training requirements for non-bulk shipping of dangerous goods by vessel, excluding radioactive materials.


IMDG Certification Training (IMO Vessel)

If your work involves handling, shipping, and/or transport of dangerous goods by sea, you must complete IMDG certification training in dangerous goods by vessel.  49 CFR Part 171, Subpart C authorizes shipments prepared in accordance with the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), and within the limitations of that subpart, to be transported by vessel and by U.S. highway before or after the vessel transportation.

This course provides required initial and recurrent IMDG certification training to participants involved with the handling, shipping and/or transport of non-bulk, non-radioactive dangerous goods by vessel. The transportation of dangerous goods by vessel training is based on the requirements outlined in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and complies with Title 49 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 172, Subpart H, Section 172.704 (49 CFR).

Included in this course at no additional cost are General Awareness and Security Awareness.

- Primary Audience: This course is intended for shippersfreight forwarders, and hazmat employees involved in the handling, shipping, and/or transport of dangerous goods by vessel. To learn more about course objectives and other details click here.

- Regulatory Manuals:

  • International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code - 2022 Edition 
  • Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR) - Electronic Version is available at
  • Emergency Response Guide - PDF version is included with the course.

You will need to have access to the IMDG Code both for reference purposes in your day to day shipping operations, and while taking this course.  It can be purchased as a book or digital download from Air Sea Containers.

Course Duration: 6 - 7 hours (Varies by Student)



Learn More About IMDG Online Training

There are a number of important regulations and requirements to adhere to when shipping dangerous goods by vessel. These laws and regulations are governed by, and codified in, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, also known as the IMDG Code. This is in addition to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR), specifically the section known as the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) if shipping to, from, and within the U.S. and its territories. While the main purpose of these regulations is to ensure crew member safety during the transportation of dangerous goods by vessel, they also serve to help mitigate marine pollution.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) maintains strict regulation of how dangerous goods can be shipped by sea. This applies to hazmat employees involved in any part of the shipping process, from those who document, package, and/or oversee the safety of entire vessels.

This means that being properly trained in the transport of dangerous goods by vessel not only improves the safety and efficiency of your organization, which leads to a decrease in wasted time and resources and an increase in revenue, but it is also vital to preventing fines for lack of compliance, thereby emphasizing the necessity of IMDG certification training.

Hazmat University is proud to offer IMDG certification training that complies with the training requirements for IMDG certification training. This course covers the proper classification, identification, documentation, packing, marking and labeling, placarding, segregation, safety, and security of dangerous goods to be transported by vessel, and satisfies both the initial and recurrent training requirements set forth in the regulations.

Our IMDG certification training allows hazmat employees to quickly and easily become IMDG-trained or to seamlessly maintain their certification. This means instant proof of course completion and no lag between an employee becoming certified and starting or continuing to handle dangerous goods.

If you are involved in the handling, shipping and or transport of lithium batteries, it is highly recommended that you also purchase our Supplemental Lithium Batteries Training, which is available in this store. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure their employees are trained commensurate with their responsibilities, which may necessitate additional training.

Note: This course is based on the IMDG 2022 Edition, and it is recommended that you have this manual on hand when taking this course.  For further information, please call our office at (844) 532-7634.

Have Questions?

Need help selecting the right online hazmat training course for your training needs?  Please call us at (844) 532-7634 or (609) 860-0300, and we'll be glad to help you!

Our office hours are Mon - Fri, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern Time. 

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